10 Things to Help You Combat Stress

April is Stress Awareness Month

April is Stress Awareness Month. Is it a coincidence that it coincides with one of the major stressors in American’s lives? (Tax Day) We all face every day stressors such as our commute, our jobs, paying bills, raising kids. But then there are those other things that compound and have longer lasting effects on you. Perhaps you have finals coming up or a work deadline or family troubles or maybe you’re battling a chronic condition or illness. Or perhaps you have a combination of many stressors in your life.

Stress can be positive – it’s what activates your fight or flight mechanism, or helps you to meet a deadline – or negative. It’s the negative stress that has a detrimental impact on your health and can show up in many ways – over/under eating, not sleeping, acne, physical ailments like stomach or heart issues, and flares of chronic conditions like fibromyalgia. Learning to cope with these burdens so that they don’t build up can make a huge difference in your health.

Photo by energepic.com on Pexels.com

It has been linked to a wide range of health issues, including mood, sleep, and appetite problems — and yes, even heart disease.

Wellness Magazine
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10 Things to Inspire You This Month

10 ways to unplug and recharge

Lately I have had a difficult time writing new blog posts. I am feeling overwhelmed, exhausted, had a flare-up of my fibromyalgia, and am just lacking the creative inspiration and desire to research and write a post. And that’s OK by me.

We all face times of uncertainty in our lives. We all need to take a step back at times and do less. For this month, I am giving you 10 ways to unplug and recharge. And the great thing is this list applies to those with or without a chronic illness, so I hope this gives you some ideas to find time for YOU.

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10 Things to Inspire You This Month

February is traditionally the month we celebrate the heart, be it Valentines Day with candy hearts, Go Red for Women, or the American Heart Month. It also happens to be the month of my wedding anniversary, so hearts and celebrations abound for me!

My mother recently suffered a stroke, as a result of a poor-functioning heart. So in honor of mom, I wanted to do something different this month. Heart Disease is responsible for 1 in 4 deaths in the U. S., making it the number one cause. As February is the American Heart Association’s American Heart Month, I wanted to share 10 tips to inspire you to know the signs and to keep your heart healthy.

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10 Things to Inspire You This Month

Setbacks aren’t failures. They are opportunities to overcome.

Life with chronic pain or a chronic condition is never predictable. You never know if you’ll wake up feeling good or bad. This has been my life for the last 20 years. I count myself lucky that I have been able to cope as well as I have, still work full-time, and find some time for activities I enjoy. So when you suffer a setback like two-weeks and counting of a lower back/disc pain, you just have to prioritize what gets done and what doesn’t. Setbacks aren’t failures. They are opportunities to overcome.

“The beautiful thing about setbacks is, they introduce us to our strengths.”

~ Robin Sharma

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