200 Followers! Thank You!

Let us be grateful to the people who make us happy.

I reached a milestone today, so I wanted to say Thank You! It probably doesn’t seem like much to many of you, but this little blog of mine has very much been a grassroots effort to me.

affection appreciation decoration design
Photo by Carl Attard on Pexels.com

Continue reading “200 Followers! Thank You!”

Still Figuring it All Out

Some of you might have noticed a few changes here lately. For the last two years, I haven’t had a title for my blog, so I just used my social media handle photobaugh. But I did have a tagline “Finding Inspiration in Everyday Life.” I recently got inspired and I have decided to call my blog My Inspired Fibro Life and change the tagline to “Finding Inspiration in Everyday Life While Living with Fibromyalgia.” pexels-photo-211122.jpeg

Continue reading “Still Figuring it All Out”

A Blogging Milestone: Thank You

Daily prompt: homage

Milestone: 100 Followers and Counting

This post is to pay homage to my readers, visitors, and followers, as my little blog reached a milestone today: 100 followers! I know that doesn’t seem like much in the blogging world, but considering the fact that I don’t follow a regular schedule and don’t monetize the blog with advertisers, I am pretty proud of that number. I want to thank each and every reader, visitor, follower for keeping me motivated to continue to post and helping me reach that goal. I appreciate the likes and comments you leave for me, and I am truly grateful! So a big THANK YOU!

snoopy happy dance
Wouldn’t it be nice if we expressed joy and gratitude every day?

Why I Blog

I started my blog almost two years ago as a way to share my love of photography (hence the blog name – PhotoBaugh – my last name is prounouced “Bow-man” so it’s a rhyme), things that inspire me, and tips about living with fibromyalgia. In that time I haven’t spent as much time with the camera as I would have liked due to other commitments (my day job and my board memberships), but those days do come. So I mostly share things that work for me to live a healthy, inspired life while dealing with chronic pain, and hope that I can help at least one person with each post.

“As one person I cannot change the world, but I can change the world of one person.”   ~ Paul Shane Spear

Blogging Tips I Have Learned

  • Consistency is Key: While I am not the most consistent, I have found my views and follows go up considerably when I post regularly. Life has gotten in the way a few times for me, as I have written about (here and here), but I am still working towards my goal of regular content.
  • Be Authentic: Life is not all perfectly posed pictures of travel to glorious places or sipping lattes. My best read post has been the post where I talked about my blogging journey and my screw-ups. 🙂 (I started the WordPress fundamentals course that day!) Write about what you know and what makes you happy!
  • Share Your Content: Some of my other big days have come from link-ups I do with the FibroBlogger Directory, WordPress prompts, or other bloggers’ prompts. I also share on Twitter and Pinterest, and less rarely on Facebook (I just have a personal presence there).

Gratitude and Joy

Just like Snoopy and Woodstock, I am doing my little happy dance right now. Thank you for reading about my little slice of life. Today I honor my readers and I hope you have a joyful day!

“Find out where joy resides and give it a voice far beyond singing. For to miss the joy is to miss all.” ~ Robert Louis Stevenson

What milestones are you trying to reach? What are your tips for blogging success?



Share Your World

I rarely do these challenges, but I really liked Cee’s Photography’s “Share Your World – June 12, 2017” post. I am a little late to the game this week because I was traveling, but I thought I would play along and share a little bit about me.

What do you do when you’re not working? If you are retired, what do you that is not part of your regular daytime routine?
Well I work a lot! However, my free time is spent volunteering – I am on the board of a local food pantry Good Samaritans of Garland (we are currently trying to raise funds for much needed building repairs) – and I volunteer for my leadership alumni group. I also enjoy working out, photography, blogging, reading, cooking, gardening, and traveling.

Garland Gives Day 2017 at Good Samaritans of Garland

What would you do if you won the lottery?
First, I would splurge on a new computer and camera! But first and foremost, I would get our finances in order so that my daughter’s college was paid for and then my husband and I could retire. I will have 20 years at my job in September, so I am eligible to retire then, but my current goal is to retire at 25 years. We would look for a house with some land so that we can both enjoy the things we love to do – gardening, photography, cooking for me; working on cars, forging steel for knives, gardening for the hubby. And he wants chickens so we can have farm fresh eggs all the time. 🙂 And retirement would give me much more free time for volunteering, so I can give back.

What makes you laugh the most?
My husband, my kids, and my dogs always make me laugh. Like Cee, I too love Friends reruns and the nerd in me loves The Big Bang Theory, but my current summer guilty pleasure is binge-watching Bones on Netflix. Emily Deschanel as Temperance Brennan is pure gold.


What is your biggest pet peeve with modern technology?
As an IT professional, you would think I have the latest and greatest. But my peeve is that technology changes so rapidly, and I like things to last! I use my 8 year old iMac for my blogging, and it has been painfully obvious for a year or so that I need to upgrade! 😦 Where’s that lottery payout?

Optional Bonus question:  What are you grateful for from last week, and what are you looking forward to in the week coming up?
I am grateful for the fact that I have a job that affords me the opportunity to travel to conferences for professional development and was able to visit Philadelphia for the first time. I saw some wonderful places I have never seen before, although I had to cut the trip shorter than originally planned. This coming week I am looking forward to some test results. (More on that in another blog installment.)

