Caregiver TLC: 7 Tips for Self-Care

You cannot drink from an empty cup. 

Persons with living fibromyalgia are usually on the receiving end of caregiving. So it becomes a bit of a challenge when they become the caregiver. Sometimes the only energy you have is that which carries you through the day, and have no spoons left for anyone else. So how does one cope with a flare and self-care when presented with the challenging of caring for somebody else?

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Becoming Your Own Health Advocate

Health Care is not One-Size-Fits-All.

You know there is a reason they call it “practicing medicine.” Doctors don’t have all the answers. There’s no Magic 8 Ball sitting in their office solving all of the great medical mysteries. Many women, especially, take years to get diagnosed (read more here). Trust me. I know. 

This post isn’t meant to bash the medical community by any means. Having been treated for fibromyalgia and endometriosis, I have seen my share of doctors over the last 30 years. I have had some great medical care over the years…and I have had some not so great medical care. I have had doctors who would prefer to treat a symptom and send me on my way, rather than look for the root cause of my collective symptoms. And I have had some medical mysteries that have perplexed many a health care provider, leading to endless doctor visits, expensive (and quite possibly unnecessary) tests and medical expenses, and no explanations.

As Pain Awareness Month comes to an end, think about the other side of medical care – diagnoses, benefits, and billing. So what do we need to do to take our health into our own hands and advocate for ourselves?

“The art of medicine consists of amusing the patient while nature cures the disease.” 
― Voltaire

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Best Kept Secret: WEGO Health Nominee

I use my blog and health advocacy role to shine a light on fibromyalgia and make this condition more visible.

I started blogging a few years ago to share my fibromyalgia journey in the hopes of encouraging, helping, or inspiring others. I try to maintain a positive attitude despite this sometimes debilitating condition. My blogging journey has been slow and not always steady due these limitations, so this nomination caught me completely off-guard. I am honored, thrilled, and grateful for being nominated for a 2018 WEGO Health Award for the “Best Kept Secret.” It truly gives validation to what I am trying to accomplish in my little corner of the blog-o-sphere and Twitter-verse.

best kept secret (1)
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