Summer Fibro Update

September is Pain Awareness Month

Our summer days are numbered. Fall is fast approaching, but for now here in Texas is still feels like summer. I just cannot believe how quickly it seems like the summer went by. Another COVID summer of doing little to nothing. We did venture out for a short trip last month. The resort we stayed at was so isolated and there were so few people there, it was like having the place to ourselves. #heaven

Sunset boat ride

“And all at once, summer collapsed into fall…” ~ Oscar Wilde

Honestly the summer seems like a blur to me. I have been following a new (stricter) dietary regimen to try to resolve some health issues. Along with the old health issues and the on-going pain of living with fibromyalgia and hip/back/neck pain.

New Symptoms

Back in June I noticed a pronounced uptick in my GERD (Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease) symptoms (haven’t had them in years), along with chest pain and nausea, reminiscent of before my gall bladder was removed. A visit to my doctor resulted in: blood work (all good), and EKG (normal), a test for H.Pylori (negative) and a recommendation to try OTC Omeprazole (Prilosec) and to follow up with a gastroenterologist. 

Now the problem with fibromyalgia is you never know if your new symptom is related to having fibro or really something new. So I typically wait, watch, monitor my symptoms, and if necessary, keep a log of things. There are many digestive disorders associated with fibro, like IBS and non-specific gastrointestinal pains.

Picture from

In July I began following the Acid Watcher’s diet, which helped symptoms improve some. At the end of August I had an endoscopy to dilate my esophagus. This also confirmed the acid damage, but nothing more serious at least. However, I still have persistent nausea and a few other symptoms, so the mystery still remains.


September is Pain Awareness Month, so I wanted to share some other reading you might like. Enjoy!

Pain takes all forms, affects all people, and does not discriminate between male or female, young or old, rich or poor, famous or not-so-famous. It can affect anyone. And everyone. ~ Cynthia Baughman

From Me:

From others:

Weekend Plans

Honestly, I haven’t had a major flare (Knock on wood) in a few months. I do fear if I become eligible for a COVID-19 booster shot that it will trigger another major flare. But for now, I am just living with my daily, chronic pain as best I can, and am thankful for the time in between major flares.

The chronic pain and summer heat have made my workout routine become less than vigorous, causing me to gain a few pounds that I had lost last year. 😭 But this weekend my husband is gone, so my current weekend plans include:

  • Trying to get some extra workouts in and walks with the dog in the mornings while its cool
  • Writing a few blog posts
  • Eating healthy and doing some meal prep
  • Visiting my mom, doing her nails, and watching the last few episodes of “Downton Abbey” on Netflix
  • Studying / preparing for an upcoming conference where I am sitting on a panel to discuss cybersecurity in the water sector
  • Taking some nice epsom salt baths to relieve my all-over pain

We will see how much of this actually get accomplished!

We all experience pain in some form or another – mild or acute; short-term or chronic; physical or emotional. All we can ask for is that we treat each other with empathy and kindness, because we really have no idea what someone is going through in their life.

I hope you are doing something nice to take care of yourself this weekend and to minimize your pain!



Author: Cynthia, My Inspired Fibro Life

Wife. Mom. Fibrowarrior. Joy seeker. Picture taker. Coffee drinker. Blogging about living with fibromyalgia and finding inspiration in every day life. Welcome to My Inspired Fibro Life.

7 thoughts on “Summer Fibro Update”

  1. I too had an uptick in gerd – i’m pretty sure it was prolia. AND I learned that you can’t just stop prolia or chance are high in getting fractures. so I now am getting help from an osteoporosis specialty clinic to minimize damage while off Prolia. No one told me it would be “for the rest of my life.” 😦 The gerd is also associated with my spine between my shoulder blades. chiro and prilosec have helped me but I will be weaning off prilosec soon i hope

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Wow. Well I was originally told Prolia was for the rest of my life but my PCP told me the shot I got in the spring would be my last and they’d transition me to something else in the fall. I don’t know if that is an insurance thing or really the new recommendation. I need to do some more research on that!! I would like to wean off Prilosec too but I tried once and the symptoms came back. ☹️ Let me know if you find something that helps! 💜

      Liked by 1 person

      1. yeah…. you have to wean off Prolia … I think they are finding it is not the miracle drug they thought it was. if i were 90, maybe…. but i’m too young for that.

        if you are on facebook, this one woman has done a bunch of research. I can send you a link.

        Liked by 1 person

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